By submitting an abstract, the authors thereby guarantee that the abstract submitted describes unpublished results. It is the author’s responsibility to submit a correct abstract; any errors in spelling, grammar, or scientific fact will be published as typed by the author. When submitting the abstract, classify the topic which best describes the abstract.
Glaucoma topics: Diagnostics, Treatment, Surgery, Clinical cases, Others.
Only text abstracts can be submitted (without figures and tables).
Submission deadline : 30 June31 July (extended), 2024.
Registration fee to be paid when abstract acceptance is confirmed.
All presenters (invited speaker and abstract submitter) must declare any potential conflict of interest. Presenters will also have to incorporate a disclosure slide in their presentation (a template will be included with the presentation guidelines). Disclosure is mandatory for all presenters, whether they have a conflict of interest to disclose or not.
In case of technical questions about the submission of abstracts (use of the system, etc.), please contact , and in case of editorial/programme-related questions, please write to .